No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Texture nformation Banks

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Pedro Garcia Freitas Welington Y.L. Akamin Mylene C.Q. Farias


In this paper, we propose a new no-reference quality assessment ethod which uses a machine learning technique based on texture analysis. The proposed method compares test images with texture images of a public database. Local Binary Patterns (LBPs) are used as local texture feature descriptors. With a Csiszar-Morimoto divergence measure, the histograms of ´ the LBPs of the test images are compared with the histograms of the LBPs of the database texture images, generating a set of difference measures. These difference measures are used to blindly predict the quality of an image. Experimental results show that the proposed method is fast and has a good quality prediction power, outperforming other no-reference image quality assessment methods.

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How to Cite
GARCIA FREITAS, Pedro; Y.L. AKAMIN, Welington; C.Q. FARIAS, Mylene. No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Texture nformation Banks. BRACIS, [S.l.], july 2017. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 dec. 2024. doi: